Welcome o lo que es lo mismo Bienvenidos

... Sera que existe una mejor manera de incursionar en el apasionante mundo del idioma del imperio , maybe (jejeje) but soo far this is what it is!!!!

sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010

Mi experiencia en Clase

sencillamente excelente,
Podria listar una serie de calificativos positivos de la experiencia vivida en este curso de ingles instrumental, el cual no solo me proporciono nuevas herramientas para navegar en el interesante mundo del ingles, herramientas tales como la identificacion de las estructuras de la oracion, marcadores de tiempo, lugar, adverbios, asi como aprender a predecir el contedino del texto basandonos en puntos focales tales como imagines, palabras relevantes o repetitivas y titulo entre otras, adicional a esto tenemos como plus la maravillosa herramienta que representa el mundo de los blogs...

el curso a

final projet 2part

para finalizar les presento la biografia de una de las personas mas influyentes en el mundo de los negocios, ejemplo de una gerencia exitosa


George Soros

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

George Soros born August 12, 1930,  is a Hungarian-American currency speculator, stock investor, businessman, philanthropist, and political activist. He became known as "the Man Who Broke the Bank of England" after he made a reported $1 billion during the 1992 Black Wednesday UK currency crisis.

Soros is chairman of Soros Fund Management and the Open Society Institute and a former member of the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations. He played a significant role in the peaceful transition from Communism to Capitalism in Hungary (1984–89),and provided Europe's largest ever higher education endowment to Central European University in Budapest. Later, his funding and organization of Georgia's Rose Revolution was considered by Russian and Western observers to have been crucial to its success. In the United States, he is known for donating large sums of money in an effort to defeat President George W. Bush's bid for re-election in 2004. He helped found the Center for American Progress.

•Marcadores de definicion: is

•Marcadores de tiempo: born August 12 1930, during the 1992, (1984–89), in 2004

•Marcadores de secuencia: Later, after

Final Project

A continuacion les presento un extracto de un articulo relacionado al proceso de inversiones, paso importantante para todo gerente al momento de capitalizar su dinero

Gold as an investment
Of all the precious metals, gold is the most popular as an investment. Investors generally buy gold as a hedge or safe haven against any economic, political, social, or fiat currency crises (including investment market declines, burgeoning national debt, currency failure, inflation, war and social unrest). The gold market is also subject to speculation like most commodities, especially through the use of futures contracts and derivatives. Gold is also money, although it is treated by some investors as a commodity
Gold has been used throughout history as money and has been a relative standard for currency equivalents specific to economic regions or countries. Many European countries implemented gold standards in the later part of the 19th century until these were dismantled in the financial crises involving World War I. After World War II, the Bretton Woods system pegged the United States dollar to gold at a rate of US$35 per troy ounce. The system existed until the 1971 Nixon Shock, when the US unilaterally suspended the direct convertibility of the United States dollar to gold and made the transition to a fiat currency system. The last currency to be divorced from gold was the Swiss Franc in 2000.
Since 1919 the most common benchmark for the price of gold has been the London gold fixing, a twice-daily telephone meeting of representatives from five bullion-trading firms of the London bullion market. Furthermore, gold is traded continuously throughout the world based on the intra-day spot price, derived from over-the-counter gold-trading markets around the world.

A. Categorias lexicales y uso del diccionario.

1. Identificacion de palabras que no se conocen su significado:
  •      Hedge: (noun) salvaguardar o cobertura contra algo
  •      Fiat: (noun) orden oficial o decreto
  •      Burgeoning: (intrasitive verb) creciente floreciente
  •      Commodities: (noun) mercado de materias prima
  •      Pegged: fijar precios
2. Tiempo verbales:
  •     Investors generally buy gold as a hedge (Presente)
  •     Gold has been used throughout history as money (Presente prefecto)
  •     Many European countries implemented gold standards in the later part of the 19th century (Pasado)

3. Idea principal del texto
    Enfocar la vista de los lectores hacia la solidez que representa invertir en oro

4. Categorias lexicales:

•Palabras de contenido: gold, gold market
•Palabras de Función: the, is
•Verbos: buy, use
•Adverbio: also, against
•Adjetivo: popular, the most
•Artículo: an, the
•Preposiciones: through, by
•Conjunción: although, as, since
•Cognados verdaderos: popular (popular), especially (especial)
•cognados Falsos: money (mono)
•Sufijo: commodity, generally
•Prefijos: unrest, dismantled

2. Estructura de la oracion:

  • Gold is the most popular as an investment
1.Frase nominal: Gold
2.Nucleo de la frase nominal: Gold
3.Frase verbal: is the most popular as an investment

  • Gold is also money
1.Frase nominal: Gold

2.Nucleo de la frase nominal: Gold
3.Frase verbal: is also money
  • Gold has been used throughout history as money
1.Frase nominal: Gold has been

2.Nucleo de la frase nominal: Gold
3.Frase verbal: used throughout history as money

3.- Estrategias de lectura:

Al observar la imagen nos direccionamos hacia el mundo de los metales preciosos especificamente el oro y a su gran atractivo
•Palabras claves: investment, Gold, Money
•Palabras que se repiten: Gold, money

Aprendiendo Ingles

Quizas no nos sirva de mucho el videito, pero esta bien cool el muppet

viernes, 6 de agosto de 2010

Actividades 3 y 4


Activity 1: Words

Contingency theories are a class of behavioral theory that contend that there is no one best way of leading and that a leadership style that is effective in some situations may not be successful in others.
An effect of this is that leaders who are very effective at one place and time may become unsuccessful either when transplanted to another situation or when the factors around them change.
This helps to explain how some leaders who seem for a while to have the 'Midas touch' suddenly appear to go off the boil and make very unsuccessful decisions.
Contingency theory is similar to situational theory in that there is an assumption of no simple one right way. The main difference is that situational theory tends to focus more on the behaviors that the leader should adopt, given situational factors (often about follower behavior), whereas contingency theory takes a broader view that includes contingent factors about leader capability and other variables within the situation.

noun  Noun Verb T Art Prep Adj Dem Adv Conj Verb I Modal

Contingency theories are a class of behavioral theory that contend there is no one best way leading and leadership style effective in some situations may not be successful others An effect this leaders very at place time become unsuccessful either when transplanted to another situation or the factors around them change helps  explain how seem for while have suddenly appear go off boil make decisions similar situational assumption simple right main difference tends focus more on behaviors leader should adopt given often about follower whereas takes broader view  includes contingent capability other variables within

Activity 2: Nominal phrase, Verbal phrase and Verbal Time.
        Contingency theories are a class of behavioral theoryNominal phrase:
        Nominal phrase: Contingency theories
        Core: theories
        Pre-Modifiers: Contingency
        Verbal phrase: are a class of behavioral theory
        Verb: are
        Tense: Simple present

Activity 3: Referral Connection, Skimming and Scanning
        Referral Connection: that, who, them.
        Skimming and Scanning: follow the leader
        Main Idea: Knowing what Contingency theories are.
        Repeated words: Contingency, that, the, this, theory, is, in, situation.
        Positive cognates: theory, class, style, effective, situations, others, effect, leaders, transplanted, factors,explain, decisions, similar.
        What is the text about: Contingency theories

Activity 4: Parragraph organizational patterns
    Speech Markers: are, is, may become, tends, takes.
        Time Markers: while, when.
        Text: Descriptive.

sábado, 31 de julio de 2010


Ejercicio 1. Lea el siguiente texto y extraiga las palabras claves, diga si son de instrucciones, o de secuencia u ordenamiento del tiempo.

a) Project planning is part of project management, which relates to the use of schedules such as Gantt charts to plan and subsequently report progress within the project environment.

Initially, the project scope is defined and the appropriate methods for completing the project are determined. Following this step, the durations for the various tasks necessary to complete the work are listed and grouped into a work breakdown structure. The logical dependencies between tasks are defined using an activity network diagram that enables identification of the critical path. Float or slack time in the schedule can be calculated using project management software. Then the necessary resources can be estimated and costs for each activity can be allocated to each resource, giving the total project cost. At this stage, the project plan may be optimized to achieve the appropriate balance between resource usage and project duration to comply with the project objectives. Once established and agreed, the plan becomes what is known as the baseline. Progress will be measured against the baseline throughout the life of the project. Analyzing progress compared to the baseline is known as earned value management.

Marcadores de Tiempo: Initially, Once, Then, At this stage, Following this step, subsequently
Tipo de texto: descripcion
Idea general del párrafo: importancia de la planecion en un proyecto gerencial
b) Business administration school is a university-level institution that educates learners on such topics as accounting, finance, marketing, organizational behavior, strategy planning, and quantitative methods. Most business administration schools have experienced well-qualified faculties, and efficient managements. In 1881, the first 'collegiate business school' was founded in Wharton.
Business Schools before World War II were mostly "schools of commerce" and were conducted in relatively low esteem. After the Second World War and especially after 1960, Business Administration Schools began to grow rapidly. They are often known as university graduate schools. MBA degrees originally occurred in the United States of America, due to the fast industrialization growth that made it essential for companies to use scientific approaches to teach management. The first MBA degree was offered by Dartmouth College in 1900. Business schools have mushroomed and flourished in all states and countries thus, making them feasible for individuals who work during the day to take classes and earn degrees at night.

Since 1988, business schools have changed deans, altered curriculums, and stressed new expertise among their students. A MBA degree has opened abundant opportunities for its bearers. Presently, nearly all business positions require an MBA degree as the minimum qualification. This includes business managers in marketing, finance, human resources, operations, and information technology. Investment entities, banking companies and a number of management consulting firms prefer employing MBA graduates specializing in the field of finance. These graduates are well conversant in their respective fields. For industries such as media and entertainment, an MBA is not a necessity, but it is considered an additional asset.

There are wide ranges of options among the different academic institutions that offer business courses. Various sites are available wherein detailed information about all the specialization fields are mentioned along with their course details. These sites also offer information regarding the universities that are well qualified and offer competent MBA programs.

Marcadores de Tiempo: In 1881,before, After,1960, Since 1988, nearly

Tipo de texto: secuencia u ordenamiento del tiempo, narración

Idea general del párrafo:historia sobre el desarrollo de la escuela de adminastracion de negocios
Ejercicio 2. Lea los siguientes textos y extraiga las definiciones y los marcadores del discurso.

a) Epistemology (from Greek επιστήμη - episteme, "knowledge" + λόγος, "logos") or theory of knowledge is a branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge.[1] The term was introduced into English by the Scottish philosopher James Frederick Ferrier (1808-1864).[

Much of the debate in this field has focused on analyzing the nature of knowledge and how it relates to similar notions such as truth, belief, and justification. It also deals with the means of production of knowledge, as well as skepticism about different knowledge claims. In other words, epistemology primarily addresses the following

Epistemology (Epistomologia): el la rama de la psicologia relacionada como la teoria del conocimiento.
Marcadores de Discurso: is (es), concerned with (relacionado con)

b) Interpersonal communication is defined by communication scholars in numerous ways, though most definitions involve participants who are interdependent on one another, have a shared history. Communication channels are the medium chosen to convey the message from sender to receiver. Communication channels can be categorized into two main categories: Direct and Indirect channels of communication.

Interpersonal communication (comunicacion interpersonal): interconexcion entre participantes de una comunicacion
Marcadores de Discurso: involve (envuelve)
Communication channels:  el medio empleado para transmitir un mensaje del emisor al receptor
Marcadores de Discurso: are (es)
c) Neuro-linguistic programming (usually shortened to NLP) is an interpersonal communication model and an alternative approach to psychotherapy that was co-created by Richard Bandler and linguist John Grinder in the 1970s. It was based on the subjective study of language, communication and personal change, in particular, mainly through modeling three successful psychotherapists, Fritz Perls (gestalt therapy), Virginia Satir (family systems therapy), and eventually Milton H. Erickson (clinical hypnosis). Bandler and Grinder aimed to discover and model the successful patterns of behavior and communication distinguishing these exceptional individuals from their peers. Some consider NLP to still be a set of techniques or strategies for enhancing communication and personal influence rather than a model or theory.
Neuro-linguistic programming (programacion neurolinguistica): modelo de comunicaciones interpersonales
Marcadores de Discurso: is (es)

Ejercicios Ingles instrumental

Ejercicio 1

Lea las siguientes definiciones y extraiga los marcadores del discurso.

Traditional leadership theory is narrowly concerned with top-down leadership in large organizations.

Ethics refers to learning what is right or wrong, and then doing the right thing.

Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

The word leadership can refer to: 1. The ability "to get people to follow voluntarily." 2. Those entities that perform one or more acts of leading. 3. The ability to affect human behavior so as to accomplish a mission designated by the leader. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leadership, consultado el 30/06/2008

Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills, and also something less tangible but more profound: the imparting of knowledge, positive judgment and well-developed wisdom. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education, consultado el 30/06/2008

Ontology is known as the branch of philosophy focusing upon the origins, essence and meaning of being.